Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Each calculator or RokDoc PressureView session can be tabbed or floated so that we can make iterative changes to any stage of the workflow and realise the changes. Play types and environments Signature workflows Regional expertise. Significant risk and uncertainty with well plan designs Reactive approach to wellbore instability and mudweight window Reduction in staff and knowledge base Environmental and financial fall out from spills. Partners University Partners News Careers. Play types and environments Signature workflows Regional expertise. rokdoc

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Responding to client feedback, the latest version of RokDoc the highly intuitive and popular subsurface modelling software suite has been greatly extended and enhanced making it faster and more flexible than earlier versions with some great new added capabilities. Monitoring wells in real-time tokdoc depth- and time-based data During drilling, abrupt or unexpected changes in pore pressure and wellbore stability can cause substantial problems leading to costly drilling delays Read More.

Integrate static and dynamic geological property models with lab, core, well and seismic data to generate 4D petro-elastic models for 4D feasibility and time lapse seismic interpretation.

Furthermore, they can potentially be tied with the state-of-the-art seismic inversion software Ji-Fia trademark of Ikon Science. Requirement to prolong field life and offset decommissioning Maximise economic recovery from tail end production Economic exploitation of small infill opportunities and satellite hydrocarbon pools Effective value of information studies for 4D. Technical papers and articles Press room.

No matter where the researchers' data originates, a variety of linear and nonlinear workflows, forward modelling and inversion scenarios can be run quickly and efficiently to see what effects changes cause in their work and interpretations.

RokDoc Reservoir Monitoring In this latest addition to the tool kit, users can integrate static and dynamic geological property models with lab, core, well and seismic data to generate 4D petro-elastic models for 4D feasibility and time lapse seismic interpretation. Comprehensive library of rock physics solutions for all play types Rich selection of fit-for-purpose models across core disciplines Best in class algorithms extract unsurpassed detail from seismic Establish and deploy play based interpretation strategies.

During drilling, abrupt or unexpected changes in pore pressure and wellbore stability can cause substantial problems leading to costly drilling delays Read More. Service and solutions value Customisation is standard Technology transfer Client Testimonials. Request a product sheet today.


Capture uncertainty in depth-time relationships for improved reserve estimates Obtain consistent and accurate results across the basin by using consistent QC methods. Rkdoc of our customers have access to advanced visualisation tools to assess the 3D challenges of their assets. However it was recognised as essential that users could interact with 3D volumes while working in RokDoc and validate parameters before proceeding.

By combining the RokDoc-VSP and RokDoc-Anisotropy modules users can completed anisotropic analysis such as 3 and 4 component functions, walk-away analysis and walk-around analysis.

Ikon Science Launches Major Expansion of RokDoc Software

The aim is to enable Read More. Play types and environments Signature workflows Regional expertise.

Industry leading rock physics, 2D modelling and well to seismic tie solution delivering easy to use solutions for both generalist and expert quantitative interpretation practitioners. This is the third Queen's Award received by the company over the past 5 years.


RokDoc Standalone Well-Tie delivers a fast, robust, consistent method that enables statistical or deterministic wavelet estimation, synthetic to seismic correlation to enhance seismic interpretation, reservoir characterisation and well planning efforts. This latest software delivers the n Time wasted and errors made rrokdoc data across multiple software packages Workflows are time consuming and inefficient Analogues under-utilised Too few pre-drill scenarios tested Risk and uncertainty poorly understood.

It's a set of skills that many companies look for, while hiring. The tight integration between RokDoc and CoViz Lite means that calculated properties are immediately available for display in the 3D viewer, with consistent display properties used across all views. Request a product sheet today. The in situ stress and elastic rock properties are first order controls on fracture stimulation behavior and consequently production. As real-time dokdoc is collected and analysis performed, the rkdoc model is updated.

Updates to the 'Modelling While Picking' RokDoc Plug-in for Schlumberger Petrel Software now gives the user complete flexibility to create and update fully interactive 1D and 2D rock physics models and to use the full power of RokDoc within the Petrel environment. The institute's 66 students who are enrolled in the Engineering undergraduate programs will now have acc Before any inversion fokdoc it is rokdocc to make sure that input seismic is fit for purpose.

This module is embedded in Petrel and allows a user with a RokDoc license to move data from Petrel into a RokDoc project, and return results to Petrel.

RokDoc Reservoir monitoring | Ikon Science

RokDoc RT receives depth-based and time-based logs along with trajectory data from the rig service providers or data aggregators. Rapidly construct and investigate integrated elastic shared earth models to identify value of information of 4D Fast 4D modelling for future facilities and development requirements Integrate data across multiple disciplines and plan effective 4D work programmes.


Play types and environments Signature workflows Regional expertise. Rodoc Papers Interactive seismic data conditioning workflows and the implication for seismic reservoir characterisation Quantitative Interpretation QI of seismic amplitude responses, and ultimately performing seismic reservoir characterisation has become a key aspect Read More.

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