Thursday, November 28, 2019


There is only a variant of the skirmish, with struggles on two arenas against opponents controlled by the computer. There was even a Xbox game that was being made however that version of the game got canceled. There are four primary weapons included with their advantages and disadvantages: It's an alright game, but there is only two maps available at your disposal, another three are available but you need a Aegia PhysX card. Overall there are 5 levels 3 of which you'll need to tweak with the config files to access , and maybe 1. I'm trying out the single player campaign right now and it's really fun! By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. cellfactor revolution pc

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Retrieved January 4, Even when you are searching the configuration files, The story mode still won't unlock for you to jump in to.

Let's just say that you will love it … if your video game collection consists solely of free games. Using those character's powers, any of the smaller items can be lifted and targeted towards the enemies.

cellfactor revolution pc

Please enter your birth cellfacor to watch this video:. The game consists of three classes Guardian, Black Ops and Bishop and five maps to play on.

CellFactor: Revolution for PC Reviews - Metacritic

Even if you've got Nvida's modern PhysX cards, the game still won't let you through the maps - even when done by going in to the dedicated server when going on to the game's files. A Program that uses PhysX processor capabilities enjoyed so much interest from fans of electronic entertainment that the studio Immersion Games and Artificial Studios, the company decided to prepare a full product.

Views Read Edit View history. After getting a patch to unlock the game's maps, the game is a lot more fun and better now.

The DuskHawker's quite hard to control. When enough power is built, the player can push through a pile of items and use that to take out opponents, simply called a "PhysX Kill". A scattered human resistance fights for one last shred of freedom, tapping into psychic abilities in an attempt to conquer what appears to be an invincible enemy. It still has a few flaws, but it's better now. Basically it's not a game, it's still just a tech demo, and a pretty unsuccessful one at that.

CellFactor: Revolution - Wikipedia

CellFactor is said to have a story mode -- However Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Ratings. Combat Trainingwhich appeared on the Internet in May CellFactor Gameplay Movie 3. Revolution lets the environment to act as a weapon with psi powers.

cellfactor revolution pc

You can use P. The physics engine is unbelievable It will make you want to jump in the game world.

Cellfactor: Revolution

There are some vehicles to drive, too. Revolution is developed by studio Immersion Games first-person action game that allows us to play the role of a futuristic Gladiator, participating in duels on a specially prepared for this purpose arenas.

In the absence of volunteers to play with, you can fight against opponents controlled by the computer. Log revplution to finish rating CellFactor: Lethe, a single shot pistol for the Black Ops class with exclusive secondary weapons like mines refolution gravity grenades ; Phlegethon, a powered sniper rifle; Acheron, a rocket launcher and Styx, an auto rifle that can be used as a grenade launcher.

I'm trying out the single player campaign right now and it's really fun! However, the lack of multiplayer support and only two maps available to play to the players can frustrate them, the Aegia PhysX cards are long-dead now and could even take you a miracle to even find them on the Web.

cellfactor revolution pc

You got the DeathStalker, which is basically Halo's mongoose, The DuskHawker, which is a air vehicle, and the Goliath, which is a mech.

It's an alright game, but there is only two maps available at your disposal, another three are available but you need a Aegia PhysX card. Playable via a LAN connection, up to eight gamers and eight CPU bots can populate the futuristic setting for massive combat action.

To boot, the game is boring. Doing the same matches with bots on the same map over and over again can really be very boring.

CellFactor: Revolution

It's alt-fire allows you to fire a magnetic bolt which attracts objects towards it, the objects flying around it until the mine explodes. Would not run well on my system. Only two maps are available without an ageia physx card.

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