Friday, November 22, 2019


It's just irritating to the reader when the main character keeps on making obvious mistakes. The pacing of the story is very good and I found it quite tense in many places. There aren't any reviews yet. Jun 25, Choko rated it really liked it Shelves: This is a pretty chunky book for young adult but it was a fairly easy read. Enthusiastic as always, I rush off to order the book, and while I'm waiting eagerly for it to arrive, I decide to sort through the overflowing mess of books in my room. As I said, this book inspired a variety of emotions in me, most of them extreme. eon dragoneye reborn

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Eon: Dragoneye Reborn Book Review

Vibrant with deatail, I could so easily imagine walking amongst the bustling lanes of this exotic setting. Quotes from The Two Pearls of Eon is not an easy character to like. The Last Dragoneyescheduled for Publisher's Summary Twelve-year-old Eon has been training for years.

Great Story This book has very en, yet human characters.

eon dragoneye reborn

These were rather amazing dragons too and the world around them was very well thought out. Eon must find the strength and ddragoneye power to battle those who want to take her magic The ending to this first book is intense and exciting, and made me want to pick up the conclusion to ekn duology fairly soon. But she is also the younger of two princesses. I loved how it all turned out in the end for Eona as a character.

eon dragoneye reborn

What members say Average Customer Ratings Overall. I hopefully find some answers in Eona: View all 41 comments.

eon dragoneye reborn

Her master saw great potential in her and went along with the ruse to win back power, favor and fortune for his house. Not every YA novel has cross-dressers, transsexuals and eunuchs in it!

This alternative book cover is an epitome of how I imagine the world of Eon: Neither of them chose their paths. Thankfully, all of them were memorable and interesting enough for me to form the desire to know what will happen to them in the next book.

I'll be interested to see where this journey leads her. Eon has a problem connecting with her dragon, and as soon as the problem was presented, I knew immediately--as I suspect most readers will--what the issue was.

So I kept postponing it over and over again until it became just another book on my to-read list I stopped noticing altogether. I did not enjoy the narrator's performance.

The Two Pearls of Wisdom - Wikipedia

But then the Mirror Dragon, mysteriously absent for years, appears at the competition and selects Eona. Lady Dela spends her time navigating Eona through all the political intrigue and Ryko is tasked with guarding Lady Dela.

I enjoyed the pace of the first 75 or pages, which some critics might reorn "useless worldbuilding. But to everyone's surprise, the Mirror Dragon, missing for years, dargoneye and bonds with Eon. Or if she did, it was from the shapeliness of her body, not from her spirit and certainly not from her mind. Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman.

Eon: Dragoneye Reborn

Kim Mai Guest, full cast Length: Who could fail to be intrigued by such a scenario? I did have some problems with this book. Normally I'd read something different because I genre- and series-hop constantly, but Galla and CJ wanted to read this one together so I obliged though Rebirn forged ahead a bit on my own There's also Disappearing Parent Syndrome in this novel, but it's one of those cases where it works. Readers may be pleased that it's Eon who leads this reborj tale.

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